जीवन में समय का महत्व -सफल जीवन मूल मंत्र है टाइम मैनेजमेंट
Importance of time in life - Success is the key to life Time management

Man is born for a limited time, but
today's man lives as if he will live thousands of years. Time is precious We
should not waste time. Once time is lost, it is lost forever. If you waste
time, time will waste you. Money that has been spent can be recovered, but over
time it is not so that every Vastu can be purchased in the world, but the time
lost can not be bought.
When a second is lost, that second goes from the present to the past. If no person has properly used the second that was in the present, then that second is destroyed and is lost in the past goes. As much as we try, that past cannot be brought back. If you want to achieve success in life, then time should be used properly, keep in mind the present and use it.
जब समय हमारा इंतजार नहीं करता तो हम समय के इंतजार करने में हम समय क्यों बर्बाद करें । वक्त आपका है, उन्हें आप सोना बना लें और चाहे तो सोने में गुजार दें दुनिया आपके उदहारण से बदलेगी।
When time does not wait for us then why should we waste time waiting for time. The time is yours, make them gold and if you want, you will spend time in gold, the world will change with your example.
हमें ब्यर्थ की बातों , विवादों , आलस्य , अमोद , प्रमोद में अपना बहुमूल्य समय बर्बाद कर देते है । जीवन का प्रत्येक क्षण बहुमूल्य है। हमें समय को पकड़ने और प्रत्येक क्षण को समझने का प्रयत्न करें । प्रत्येक क्षण को उपयोगी कार्यों में लगाकर अपना जीवन को उन्नति की ओर ले जा सकते है। दुनिया में जिन्होंने एक एक क्षण का उपयोग किया है। वे ब्यक्ति महान बने हैं । सफलता ने उनके गले में वरमाला पहनाया है। सफलता ने उनकी कदम चूमी है । जागने से लेकर विश्राम करने तक का समय का दिनचर्या का निर्धारण किया जाना चाहिए । आज का मनुष्य इतना अस्त ब्यस्त हो गया है कि उन्हें अपने दिनचर्या का समय अनियमित जीवन शैली है।
We waste our precious time in talk of birth, controversies, laziness, amod, pramod. Each moment of life is precious. Let us try to capture the time and understand each moment. By applying each moment to useful tasks, you can take your life towards progress. Those in the world have used one moment. He has become a great person. Success has worn a garland around his neck. Success has kissed his step. The time period from waking up to rest should be determined |
He who sees the soul through the soul resolves his problem. Irregular lifestyle sometimes sleep at twelve o'clock, sometimes at two o'clock, sometimes at seven o'clock, sometimes at ten o'clock. When it is time to sleep, people stay awake. And when it is time to wake up, people keep sleeping.
मनोरंजन का समय ,भोजन का समय ,कार्य करने का समय, सोने का समय, और जागने का समय ,कार्य की सफलता और स्वास्थय की दृष्टि से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है । काम के समय विश्राम करना और विश्राम के समय काम करना। जितना लोग काम से नहीं थकते उतना लोग चिंता ,निराशा, असंतोष से थक जाते हैं। जो काम जिस समय करना है,उसी समय करना चाहिए। धैर्य का मतलब इंतजार करना नहीं । अपने जीवन का विश्लेषण करना चाहिए। जीवन को देखना है। ब्यक्ति को सवंय का आत्मनिरिक्षण करना है कि मुझे सफल होना है । आत्म निरिक्षण के लिए आत्म जागरण के लिए समय प्रबंधन आवश्यक है।

Recreation time, meal time, work time, bedtime, and waking time are very important in terms of work success and health. Resting at work and working at rest. As many people do not get tired of work, more people get tired of anxiety, disappointment, dissatisfaction. The work that needs to be done at that time. Patience does not mean waiting. You should analyze your life. Life has to be seen. The person has to introspect himself that I have to succeed. Time management is essential for self-awareness for self-observation.

Recreation time, meal time, work time, bedtime, and waking time are very important in terms of work success and health. Resting at work and working at rest. As many people do not get tired of work, more people get tired of anxiety, disappointment, dissatisfaction. The work that needs to be done at that time. Patience does not mean waiting. You should analyze your life. Life has to be seen. The person has to introspect himself that I have to succeed. Time management is essential for self-awareness for self-observation.
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