जन्म से ईश्वर तीन चीजें ALOT करता है -By birth god does three Things alot
1. किस जाति में जन्म होगा ।
2. कितनी आयु होगी ।
३. और कैसा भोग जीवन होगा ।
4 इंसान ही कर्म योनि है बांकी सब भोग योनि है।
5. जहाँ तक हो सके, झगडे और मुकदमा से बचना चाहिए ।
By birth god does three Things alot
1. Which caste will be born?
2. How old will you be.
3. And what will be the life of enjoyment.
4 A person is a karma vagina, but all enjoyment is a vagina.
5. As far as possible, quarrels and lawsuits should be avoided.

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